MKARS 80 Build
More /P Construction
1:45 Setup work bench /P and started building.
Neatly bagged components and a smart board with easy to read markings aided construction. Spent some time referring to the printed board layout; sometimes no matter how hard you look you just can't see the place for the next component.
00:15 Placing resistors
00:15 Placing resistors
1:00 Finishing Bag 1
1:15 Completed Bag 2.
1:30 Started Bag 3 51* 100nf Capacitors. Spent ages triple checking, but one capacitor was missing. Ensured it was part of the TX (C105) Just in case I get the rest of the RX finished!
1:00 Wound three of the Trifilar toroids. Trying to avoid scratching the enamel.
1:15 Installed missing 100nf cap, Fitted T4, T5 and T6 trifilar toroids.
0:45 Toroids. I did manage to break one of the binocular toroids but it seemed to super glue together OK!
1:00 Winding and installing remaining toroids.
0:45 Confused Q3 and Q4 with IC3 and IC4! Finished bag 3.
1:00 Started bag 4. Discovered that Zener D7 had not been installed! despite it being ticked.
2:00 Rechecked all the diodes to find the misplaced one. D7 had been placed in D17 Corrected this and finally finished bag 4.
1:00 Completed bag 5. After some puzzlement with the power plug - for some strange reason despite being plugged in did not seem to be connecting; the first smoke tests were successfully completed!
0:30 PIC and display installed. Picks up the signal generator perfectly! Next step is boxing, final tune up and QSO. Then I can build the BITX20!