Jing Tong!
Jing Tong JT-208 VHF Hand Held
December 22nd - Martin (2E0MJD) told me about the Jing Tong hand helds.
December 30th - Well after a couple of Earl
Gray's yesterday I ordered one..
My JT-208 arrived today. Complete with strap, belt clip, spare battery and
charger. Some quick tests with G4BYE showed the transmit audio to be poor,
but ok when using the headset.
“Order clockwise tun the sound SOT shaft..”
There seems to be very little about these rigs on the web. The manual provides some amusement though..
Next - Dismantling Jing Tong and Mic Modification
Web Links
G4ILO Review of the JT-208 Includes a very handy list of menu options.
JT-308 UHF FM Or JT-208 VHF FM Handi Talky